Sports Medicine

In its nature, the field of Sports Medicine is focused on the prevention and treatment of injuries/disorders that are related to participation in sports. As Physical Therapists, our training and knowledge gives us a seat at the Sports Medicine table, and we are directly involved with the prevention/treatment/rehabilitation of injuries that athletes sustain.

Part of the reason why I’ve always wanted to start Primal PTSM is because of my love for sports. As an athlete throughout my whole life, I’ve had to deal with so many injuries, surgeries, and thoughts in the back of my mind about not being able to be the same athlete ever again. When you’re an athlete and your ability to play is taken away from you, it can take a significant toll on you. Mentally, physically, and emotionally – it’s just a struggle from your everyday norm. A deviation from a long-term homeostasis inevitably causes the athlete to have doubts, fear, anxiety, and a decline in human performance.


At Primal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, we get it!

We understand and realize that when you’re injured and can’t play — it’s just as much of a mental/emotional disturbance as a physical limitation. That’s why we’re committed to our athletes from day one and help provide them with the confidence that the rehabilitation process will not only help them recover from their existing injury, but also become a better athlete by identifying and treating movement pattern dysfunction throughout the rehabilitation process. Our goals for our athletes are always designed around restoring confidence in return to play, and restoration of function to allow for optimal performance for return to play.