Selective Functional Movement Assessment


The main system of movement assessment we use is called the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The SFMA was developed to help diagnose the source of pain symptoms in individuals who are experiencing a decline in function, having pain with movement, and/or performing dysfunctional movement patterns.

This assessment breaks down full body movement patterns (i.e. squatting, bending, rotating, etc.), and helps to identify where that movement pattern is breaking down by identifying the parts (joints) that aren’t moving properly. Regardless of where you’re experiencing pain, the full body movement assessment will help to break down and identify the source of what’s causing the movement pattern to be dysfunctional, painful, or both.

After going through the entire assessment, each movement pattern is assessed by the parts that make the movement complete. By assessing the parts, we can identify the source of the dysfunction, and figure out whether it’s due to a soft tissue/joint mobility limitations, or a motor control dysfunction that causing the problem.

Patient example

A patient presents to PT with a complaint of lower back pain and with the SFMA, we identify that that patient has a dysfunctional, painful movement pattern for forwards bending (reaching for the toes when standing). After the SFMA is complete, that patient may have several parts that we identify are contributing to the problem. A “soft tissue/joint mobility” limitation may be found in his lower back that could be due to stiff joints and/or connective tissue flexibility limitations. Similarly, that same patient may also have a “motor control/stability” problem and can’t effectively coordinate the movement pattern without compensating. This usually happens when there are segments of the moving parts that can’t stabilize/move at the ideal time during a smoothly coordinated movement pattern.

Through the SFMA, a direct source of what’s causing the problems can be identified within the first session, to guarantee patients feel results immediately.

Interested in learning more about the SFMA? Check out their website.